
 Clinical Directors

​​Actively Registered Cli​​n​​ical Director List​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Clinical directors are responsible for educating qualifying patients and caregivers in the following areas:
  • Potential drug-to-drug interactions, including interactions with alcohol, prescription drugs, non-prescription drugs, and supplements;
  • Possible side effects or contraindications of medical cannabis use;
  • The potential for differing strengths and effects of medical cannabis strains; and
  • Different methods, forms, and routes of medical cannabis administration. 

Clinical directors are responsible for training dispensary agents on the following: 

  • ​Guidelines for providing information to qualifying patients related to risks, benefits, and side effects associated with medical cannabis;
  • Recognizing signs and symptoms of substance abuse; and
  • Guideline for refusing to provide medical cannabis to an individual who appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
A clinical director must be available during hours of operation and may provide services:
  • On-site at the licensed dispensary, or
  • Be available via electronic communication that allows the clinical director to answer ​questions in real-time.

All licensed dispensaries are required to appoint an individual to serve as a clinical director, pursuant to COMAR 14.17.04.

​Clinical Director Registration

Complete and submit an online application. Visit the MCA Registry website click "Apply Online" ​   under the Clinical Director heading, then complete and submit the application form that displays.

A clinical director's role is to provide education to medical cannabis patients and caregivers, as well as to provide training to dispensary agents.

An individual may be eligible to serve as a clinical director if they meet one or more of the following requirements:
  • Is eligible to serve as a certifying provider, as defined in Health-General Article 13-3301, Annotated Code of Maryland. This means an individual who:
  1. Is a physician, nurse practitioner or certified nurse midwife, dentist, podiatrist, or a physician assistant who has an active delegation agreement with a primary supervision physician who is a certifying provider;
  2. Has an active, unrestricted license to practice in Maryland; and
  3. Has a State controlled dangerous substances registration;
  • Is a licensed pharmacist in good standing with the State Board of Pharmacy; or
  • Has substantial education, training, and experience in the medical use of cannabis, as determined by the MCA.​
The MCA will evaluate whether an individual has "substantial education, training, and experience in the medical use of cannabis: on a case by case basis. An Individual seeking to register as a clinical director based on the third category, pursuant to COMAR (3), shall at a minimum:
  • Be a health care practitioner, as defined in Health Occupations Article, §1-1001, Annotated Code of Maryland; and
  • (1) Have a degree or certificate related to the medical use of cannabis; (2) Have completed substantial coursework related to the medical use of cannabis; and (3) Have substantial work experience treating individuals with medical cannabis or educating individuals about the medical use of cannabis.

A clinical director may serve at multiple dispensaries but must be able to provide the required services effectively at each location they serve.

​IMPORTANT: A clinical director for a licensed dispensary may not provide a written certification for medical cannabis to any qualifying patient, pursuant to COMAR (E).


All clinical directors must complete at least one MCA-approved training course each year. The clinical director must attest to course completion annually by June 30th. Each licensed dispensary should retain supporting documentation demonstrating the clinical director has completed a MCA-approved training.

As of August 2020, the MCA has approved one training course, which is available at mmcc.maryland.gov. Alternative online and in-person training courses may be submitted to the MCA for consideration at mca.reporting@maryland.gov

Training Resources for Clinical Directors

Clinical director, certifying providers and other medical professionals interested in learning more about the clinical uses of cannabis may now enroll in an online medical education curriculum developed by TMCI Global. The course was designed based on the laws and regulations governing the Maryland medical cannabis program. The 3.75-hour online Maryland course presents the basics of the endocannabinoid system and the pharmacology of cannabis, qualifying conditions, and administration methods approved in the state of Maryland, medical cannabis contraindications, and identified adverse effects of cannabis use. It is divided into five lessons, each with knowledge check questions that users can complete at their own pace. The course can be started and stopped as desired and materials may be revisited as often as needed for the duration of the course access period.

About TMCIGlobal (TMCI):
TMCI provides science-based, online medical education for healthcare professionals who want to learn about medical cannabis and its potential clinical application to deliver quality care and address patient questions. TMCI works with organizations that are recognized as pillars of medical cannabis learning and bring their valuable medical expertise to the healthcare community via an ever-growing online course catalog.

To access the course, please visit:

Please note: This course is now accredited. Here are the details of the course:
  • Duration: 3.75 hours
  • 3.75 CME credit available
  • Assessment Quiz
  • Mobile-Friendly

For questions please contact:

Clinical Directors Support:
Email: mca​.labs@maryland.gov​​