Growers FAQ's

Are licensed cannabis growers in Maryland able to use pesticides on cannabis?
For a current list of available crop protection agents, click here​​​. 

How do growers interact with independent testing labs?
Growers do contracts with one or more independent testing laboratories for the laboratory to test every batch of medical cannabis to assure that every batch meets approved specifications.

​Will growers be subject to state inspection?
Yes; all growers in Maryland will be subject to inspection.​

Regarding zoning and planning approvals, when do I need to provide them to the MCA as part of my license application?
Evidence that the licensed premises comply with all zoning planning requirements is required in Stage Two of the application process.

For my growing facility, I have located potential property that is zoned for agricultural production. Is that satisfactory to the MCA?
​The MCA will rely upon the zoning and planning approval issued by the local jurisdiction. The local jurisdiction will determine whether a zoning designation that permits agricultural production included production of medical cannabis. The applicant should take steps to assure that the local jurisdiction has interpreted its zoning code to mean that an agricultural production zoning designation includes production of medical cannabis.

If our organization obtains a license to be a grower and a license to be a processor, may we locate both of those operations at a single location?
Yes, as long as the premises comply with local zoning and planning codes, and are construted and organized to maintian security, cleanliness, safety and the required inventory controls, a grower facility and a processor facility may be lcoated on the same property.

Some states provide that there is a maximum or minimum number of plants that can be grown by a licensed grower. What is the number for Maryland?
The Maryland regulations do not specify a minimum or maximum number of plants that a licensed grower must or may cultivate.​

Can a licensed grower also become a processor and a dispensary (i.e., a vertically-integrated) medical cannabis operation?
Yes, parties or entities who wish to operate a growing and processing facility, as well as a dispensary, must submit separate license applications for each facility. The MCA may award separate licenses for each operation.

Does a "secure transportation company" require a separate license from the State of Maryland?
No; the license must provide required agent ID cards to anyone transporting cannabis.

May a transportation agent have a non-Maryland driver's license?
A transportation agent is not required to hold a Maryland driver's license.

Can a person with a particular skill be employed part-time by more than one grower, processor, or dispensary?
Yes; however, the agent would need to register multiple registrations at a charge of $200 per registration.

Can a person be an agent for a grower, processor and a dispensary?
Yes. A person can be an owner in an entity that obtains a license for each class of activity, and therefore would be an agent for each licensee.

What is a "resident"?
A resident is one who lives in Maryland. A person may demonstrate Maryland residency by providing one or more of the following: 1) Most recent Maryland tax return; 2) Most recent Maryland property tax bill; 3) Local gas and electric bill that is no more than 4 months old; 4) Valid Maryland Driver's license; or 5) Another record that corroborates the Maryland residency.

A businnes may be registered to conduct business in the State of Maryland. They may either an out-of-state company which is establishing its Maryland existence, and its principal place of business may or may not be Maryland. Alternatively, the business entitiy could be a "grass roots" company, meaning a business that was founded in Maryland and maintains its principal place of business in Maryland. In either eventuality, a business entity may demonstrate its ability to conduct business in the State of Maryland by providing the following: 1) Articles of Incorporation or Articles of Organization; 2) Certificate of Status (also referred to as a Certificate of Good Staning); and 3) Identification of the Resident Agent.

Will it be necessary to conduct background checks for employees who do not handle cannabis, such as janitorial staff?
​While any subcontractor may be registered with the MCA, the subcontractor is not required to register with the MCA. However, should the subcontractor not be registered with the MCA, then, they are considered a visitor to a non-public area, and the Grower, Processor, or Dispensary will be required to 1) log the visitor in and out of the premises; 2) retain a photocopy of the visitor’s government-issued identification; 3) continually visually supervise the visitor while on the premises; 4) ensure that the visitor does not touch any plant or medical cannabis; and 5) maintain a log of all visitors to non-public areas for two years.

Will security (or any) subcontractors of the growers be required to be registered ​with MCA?
​While a security subcontractor, or any subcontractor may be registered with the MCA, the subcontractor is not required to register with the MCA.  However, should the subcontractor not be registered with the MCA​, then, they are considered a visitor to a non-public area, and the Grower will be required to 1) log the visitor in and out of the premises; 2) retain a photocopy of the visitor’s government issued identification; 3) continuously visually supervise the visitor while on the premises; 4) ensure that the visitor does not touch any plant or medical cannabis; and 5) maintain a log of all visitors to non-public areas for two years. ​​