Other Public Meetings

Additional Info
Task Force on the Responsible Use of Natural Psychedelic SubstancesVirtual3/27/20253:00 P.M.
To register for the Task Force on the Responsible Use of Natural Psychedelic Substances, click here​. ​
AgendaAudio Minutes
MCA Advisory Board on Medical and Adult-Use Cannabis MeetingVirtual3/20/20252:00 P.M.

HB253 signed by Governor Moore authorized the Advisory Board on Medical and Adult-Use Cannabis to study and make recommendations on various aspects of the legal medical and adult-use cannabis industry in the state, particularly in the context of the state regulatory matters as well as potential federal regulatory changes.

Click here​ to register. ​

Task Force on the Responsible Use of Natural Psychedelic SubstancesVirtual3/13/20253:00 P.M.
To register for the Task Force on the Responsible Use ​on Natural  Psychedelic Substance, click​ here​.
AgendaAudio Minutes
Task Force on the Responsible Use of Natural Psychedelic SubstancesVirtual2/27/20253:00 P.M.
To register for the Task Force on the Responsible Use ​on Natural  Psychedelic Substance, click here​. ​
MCA Advisory Board on Medical and Adult-Use Cannabis MeetingVirtual2/20/20252:00 P.M.

HB253 signed by Governor Moore authorized the Advisory Board on Medical and Adult-Use Cannabis to study and make recommendations on various aspects of the legal medical and adult-use cannabis industry in the state, particularly in the context of the state regulatory matters as well as potential federal regulatory changes.

Click here​  to register. 

AgendaAudio Minutes
Task Force on the Responsible Use of Natural Psychedelic SubstancesVirtual2/13/20253:00 P.M.
To register for the Task Force on the Responsible Use of Natural Psychedelic Substances, click here​.
AgendaAudio Minutes
Task Force on the Responsible Use of Natural Psychedelic SubstancesVirtual1/30/20253:00 P.M.
To register for the Task Force on the Responsible Use of Natural Psychedelic Substances, click here​

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. 
AgendaAudio Minutes
MCA Advisory Board on Medical and Adult-Use Cannabis MeetingVirtual1/16/20252:00 P.M.

HB253 signed by Governor Moore authorized the Advisory Board on Medical and Adult Use Cannabis to study and make recommendations on various aspects of the legal medical and adult-use cannabis industry in the state, particularly in the context of state regulatory matters as well as potential federal regulatory changes.

Click here to register. ​

AgendaAudio Minutes
Task Force on the Responsible Use of Natural Psychedelic SubstancesVirtual1/16/20253:00 P.M.

To register for Task Force on the Responsible Use of Natural Psychedelic Substances, click here

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.​

AgendaAudio Minutes
Task Force on the Responsible Use of Natural Psychedelic SubstancesVirtual12/19/20243:00 P.M.

To register for Task Force on the Responsible Use of Natural Psychedelic Substances, click here

​​​After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.​

Task Force on the Responsible Use of Natural Psychedelic SubstancesVirtual12/5/20243:00 PM

To register for the Task Force on the Responsible Use of Na​​tural Psychedlie Substance webinar, click here​

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. ​

MCA Advisory Board on Medical and Adult-Use Cannabis MeetingVirtual11/21/20242:00 PM

HB253 signed by Governor Moore authorized the Advisory Board on Medical and Adult-Use Cannabis to study and make recommendations on various aspects of the legal medical and adult-use cannabis industry in the state, particularly in the context of the state regulatory matters as well as potential federal regulatory changes. ​

Click here​ to register. 

Youth Protection Efforts and Patient Education Initiatives | PowerPoint​

AgendaAudio Minutes
Task Force on the Responsible Use of Natural Psychedelic SubstancesVirtual11/21/20243:00 PM

To register for the Task Force on the Responsible Use of Na​​tural Psychedlie Substance webinar, click here

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. 

AgendaAudio Minutes
Task Force on the Responsible Use of Natural Psychedelic SubstancesVirtual11/7/20243:00 P.M.
To register for the Task Force on the Responsible Use of Natural Psychedelic Substances webinar, click here.​
AgendaAudio Minutes
MCA Advisory Board on Medical and Adult-Use Cannabis Meeting10/17/20242:00 P.M.
HB253 signed by Governor Moore authorized the Advisory Board on Medical and Adult Use Cannabis to study and make recommendations on various aspects of the legal medical and adult-use cannabis industry in the state, particularly in the context of state regulatory matt​ers as well as potential federal regulatory changes.

Click here to register.

AgendaAudio Minutes
Medical Cannabis Subcommittee Meeting Virtual 10/10/20243:00 P.M.
The Advisory Board on Medical and Adult-Use Cannabis' Subcommittee on Medical Cannabis will meet to discuss measures to ensure that there is an adequate supply of affordable cannabis and cannabis products for qualifying patients, including cannabis and cannabis products containing varying levels of potency; and methods to assist social equity applicants, social equity licensees, and small, minority, and women-owned businesses access to funds for operating or capital expenses associated with a business.

Click here​ to register

Audio Minutes
MCA Advisory Board on Medical and Adult-Use CannabisVirtual9/26/20242:00 P.M.

HB253 signed by Governor Moore authorized the Advisory Board on Medical and Adult Use Cannabis to study and make recommendations on various aspects of the legal medical and adult-use cannabis industry in the state, particularly in the context of state regulatory matters as well as potential federal regulatory changes.​

Click here to register. 

AgendaAudio Minutes
MCA Advisory Board on Medical and Adult-Use CannabisVirtual8/22/20242:00 P.M.

HB253 signed by Governor Moore authorized the Advisory Board on Medical and Adult Use Cannabis to study and make recommendations on various aspects of the legal medical and adult-use cannabis industry in the state, particularly in the context of state regulatory matters as well as potential federal regulatory changes.​

Click here to register. 

AgendaAudio Minutes
MCA Advisory Board on Medical and Adult-Use CannabisVirtual7/18/20242:00 P.M.
HB253 signed by Governor Moore authorized the Advisory Board on Medical and Adult Use Cannabis to study and make recommendations on various aspects of the legal medical and adult-use cannabis industry in the state, particularly in the context of state regulatory matters as well as potential federal regulatory changes.​

​Click here​ to register. ​​​
AgendaAudio Minutes
MCA Advisory Board on Medical and Adult-Use CannabisVirtual6/18/20242:00 P.M.AgendaAudio Minutes
MCA Advisory Board on Medical and Adult-Use CannabisVirtual5/23/20242:00 P.M.
HB253 signed by Governor Moore authorized the Advisory Board on Medical and Adult Use Cannabis to study and make recommendations on various aspects of the legal medical and adult-use cannabis industry in the state, particularly in the context of state regulatory matters as well as potential federal regulatory changes.​​

AgendaAudio Minutes